[SML] Recommended telescoping boom mic stands?

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Thu Nov 2 15:51:22 UTC 2017

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 1:59 PM, Mike Locke via Stagecraft
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> I only use K&M. The lifespan makes them cheaper than anything, per year.

I'd like to thank everybody on- and off-list for their suggestions - a
pretty overwhelming endorsement of K&M.  I appreciate that.  In my
online research, it's hard to separate the chaff from the wheat....
reviews are all over the spectrum, as one can imagine. Real-world use
is much more useful to me than reviewers who have "had this for about
a week, and it's GREAT!" or "This is a piece of crap - it's no $400
Gretzweildlerschmitz mic stand!"

I found one of my existing 13-year-old stands that still had a little
bit of its label on it.... they are Atlas brand.  Although they didn't
get a lot of fierce abuse, they did last this long, so I guess one
could do worse.  But the new ones will be K&Ms.

Jon Ares

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