[SML] LDI Recap

Ford Sellers fsellers at chauvetlighting.com
Tue Nov 28 20:56:29 UTC 2017

Howdy folks,
I'm finally back in the office, and out post-show meetings.  So... How was everyone's show?
What was your favorite thing?  I liked the Fleenor Battle-Bots, and pretty much everybody I bumped into liked that cool kinetic ball sculpture.
I wasn't as sold on the giant Q-Bert booth for Mod Truss.
The Follow-Spot museum in the Lycian booth was absolutely fascinating.  I especially loved the one that had 2 1000w bulbs, and basically looked like someone just welded 2 units together to make one twice as bright (which, from the explanation I got is pretty close to how it actually came to be...).

On the business side, we had a great show, and were extremely busy, which was great... But I did not get to spend as much time on the rest of the show floor as I would have liked.

How was everybody else's show?

And... Hey Dick Archer, how was IAPPA?  What did you see that was cool?

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