[SML] Basic house plot examples you're willing to share?

John Taylor jt at techie.com
Wed Apr 18 22:52:17 UTC 2018

Hi Jon and all,

Sorry for the delay in getting this to you. Life happened.
Here is a Dropbox link to a folder with the plot and some pics of space.
Because it is a unique space I thought the pics would help.
Please feel free for you or your student to ask any questions.



On 4/16/2018 1:32 PM, Jon Ares via Stagecraft wrote:
> Hi folks -
> Is anyone willing to share their venue's house plot? Proscenium space,
> but doesn't really matter too much about venue size - 300 seats or
> 3000.
> I've given a project to a lighting student to develop his version of a
> house plot for our proscenium space, but all I can find in my archives
> are the house plots for 2 venues, one being my venue (and the whole
> point is to NOT copy our existing plot.)
> This would also be a good exercise in seeing other plotting styles.
> (He's hand-drafting, though CAD plots are just as helpful.)
> Thanks in advance!

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