[SML] Star effects with projection
jdunfee12 at yahoo.com
jdunfee12 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 19 05:20:00 UTC 2018
In regards to doing Starlight effects, I have in mind a show where I would like to do comparable effects. To me, if you can cover the area around the audience with the effect , you help to immerse them into it.
I've been toying with the idea of using red and green lasers, like used in the disco lights. If the red and green are combined with a prism, should give yellow. The yellow might be interpreted as white, if other show lighting where are yellowish. It might enable a good simulation of Starlight . But for some reason the Disco lights don't try to take advantage of that. Also they don't seem to have available any random-looking diffraction grating.
One thing I have tried, and felt was reasonably successful, is to place a mirror ball on the floor in front of the stage. Then hit it from a distance with a spot, with everything else blacked out. That will cover the walls and ceiling with points of light. The distance of my light source seemed to help make the points smaller, which is good for star light. In my case, I did not move the mirror ball. But if it could be made to roll, you could get a sense of traveling. If the theater really could be very dark, so that the audience doesn't have a frame of reference, the effect might be very very powerful.
For projection, how dark the black is, is very important in this type of effect. Note that I am not talking about dynamic type of contrast, where the light source is adjusted for the whole scene. But the difference between light and dark in the same picture.
On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 10:26 AM, Steven Mclean via Stagecraft<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote: I have a production coming up this fall that I think demands projections. While the content will be challenging (star fields with stars blinking on sequentially & perhaps star field rotating to suggest passage of time....
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