[SML] Backstreet Boys fallen structure

Jerry Durand jdurand at durandinterstellar.com
Thu Aug 23 05:42:56 UTC 2018

I'm not sure, but it seems in the US legal system the venue would be
responsible for making sure they evacuated.  Just like getting everyone
out of the house during a fire alarm.

Of course, that structure shouldn't have fallen in the first place.

On 08/22/2018 10:11 PM, Bill Nelson via Stagecraft wrote:
> And here is a non-Russian news story about the same thing:
> https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/08/18/backstreet-boys-concert-storm-injuries-oklahoma/1035074002/
> Apparently the people injured were fans that ignored the roughly 30 minute
> advance requests to take shelter and remained in line.
> Bill
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Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.
tel: +1 408 356-3886

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