[SML] ETC Express

Stephen Litterst litterst.stagecraft at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 12:20:17 UTC 2018

On 8/30/18 7:50 AM, Dan Sheehan via Stagecraft wrote:
> when did the ETC Express discontinue production ?
> what do folks like for a replacement ?

It was sorta replaced by the Element.  I'd say Element 2 or Ion Xe are 
good replacements.  Not a easy to learn as the Express, but lighting's 
more complex these days.

Where the Express was the entry-level to the Expression line (spoke the 
same language, just had a reduced feature set) the Element 2 fits that 
role in the EOS line.

Steve L.

Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
litterst at udel.edu           Mitchell Hall
302/831-0601                University of Delaware

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