[SML] Colorsource Spot vs incandescent S4

David Alley alleydg at charter.net
Tue Jan 9 16:36:24 UTC 2018

I would like to see the spread sheet.


On Jan 9, 2018, at 9:23 AM, Jon Ares via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 5:36 AM, *Hobbit* via Stagecraft
> <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>> [De-lurk...]  My sketchy understanding is that the Lustr *series 2*
>> units are quite a bit brighter than the first rev of them.  The
>> emitters and engines keep getting better, of course.  I've been able
>> to watch a little of the evolutionary process in a local convention
>> I work where we've used whatever the rental house had at the time,
>> which was the originals and then the series 2 for the last couple
>> of years, and the new ones seem to perform quite well.
> This spreadsheet covers version 1 and version 2 Lustre, and every
> permutation of S4 LEDs... At Full White, and at 3200K and 5600K. If
> anyone wants this spreadsheet, let me know. I think I got it from
> Controlbooth.  You can input your throw distances, and it will
> calculate your lumens and fc's.
> And Bill N, I know all numbers are out the window when it comes to
> gelling a fixture - that's why I'm looking at the "white light"
> settings. Which, for front light, is much more important to me than
> how many Iumens I get out of a blue gel.
> -- 
> Jon Ares
> www.arescreative.com
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