[SML] SketchUp?

Jacob Blumberg jacobblumberg18 at students.fieldschool.org
Thu Jan 18 00:08:45 UTC 2018

I don’t know about price for LABs, but as a student I tried to get vector
works and they wanted to charge me $1,500/yr for a license, and sketch up
wanted. $85 one time fee. If someone wants to point me in the way of vector
works free for student I would be much abliged.

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 6:50 PM SAMUEL JONES via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> Full disclosure; I have a vested interest in Vectorworks.  That being
> said.  …
> I’m under the impression that the school can get a really good deal on
> Vectorworks for their lab, and the students can get the program for free.
> While it is possible to do light plots in almost any drawing program, and
> one can do paperwork in Excel or any database.  Why would you put up with
> the pain?  Vectorworks has the best collection of tools to deal with light
> plots.  It is used by the vast majority of lighting designers and
> production houses, so the students would be learning to use a tool that
> they can use when they leave school.  It would be good for students to be
> become facile with Lightwright for the same reasons, but the cost of
> Lightwright can be a problem.  A $25 dollar plug-in will allow students to
> export Vectorworks Spotlight files to a database or Excel.  Why do
> SketchUp?  It is possible to do scale drawings with SketchUp, but as has
> been pointed out, it can be very easy to screw it up.
> HTH,
> Sam
> Samuel L. Jones
> Developer of AutoPlot Tools for SpotLight
> E-mail: sjones at autoplotvw.com
> Skype: AutoPlotVW
> (310) 993-4172 (cell)
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