[SML] antique adapter needed

Herrick Goldman Herrick at hglightingdesign.com
Thu Jun 28 19:58:14 UTC 2018

Hey gang,

see attached photo

Looking for a cinch jones to RS232(i think that's what is pictued) to 
dmx adapter.  Basically i have 2 Cd-80 12 packs that are CInch Jones 
in.  For years we've been running them via a DMX 5 pin to a box that has 
RS232 ribbon out. one of the CJ female connectors on the 6x6 box has 
gotten wonky.  Anyone have a similar box in good repair for purchase or 
in kind payment?

Herrick Goldman

HG Lighting Design Inc.


1460 Broadway

Suite 1654

NY,NY 10036



“To the scores of silent alchemists who wreak their joy in darkness and in light, bringing magic to life, we bow most humbly” -CDS

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