[SML] Sal Ammoniac smoke

jdunfee12 at yahoo.com jdunfee12 at yahoo.com
Fri May 4 03:30:13 UTC 2018

Since childhood, I have read about using Sal Ammoniac in a Heating Cone to make theatrical smoke.  However, I have never seen this done, nor even seen what such a heating cone looks like.  A search for a "heating cone" shows up some cone-shaped systems which you use to heat a bearing (I am guessing to expand it a bit, to put onto a shaft).  Is that the sort of "heating cone" used for smoke?
A search on Youtube also turned up nothing except how to clean your soldering iron.   I also searched "ammonium chloride", since that seems to be the same stuff. But, again without success.
Anyone know of a site that shows a picture, or ideally a video of such a contraption in operation?
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