[SML] Flickering fluorescent effect?

billn at peak.org billn at peak.org
Fri Sep 21 19:44:41 UTC 2018

I’m doing a show next week where I have some dimmable fluorescents in the
rig, and I want to simulate the effect of one or all flickering and going out
at some point. I always seem to find that doing a flickering effect on one
instrument is never very satisfying. Anyone have any handy tips?



Does your lighting console have built in effects, or the capability of
creating custom effects?

I have created simple effects to imitate flickering incandescent lights as
well as light from a TV screen. Those were limited in rate of flicker due to
using incandescent fixtures.

If you create an effect where the dimmer is either full on or full off in a
pseudorandom pattern, you would have a basic flicker. The dimmable
capabilities would allow a more realistic flicker.


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