[SML] Thin knee pads

Dougherty, Jim jdougher at middlebury.edu
Sat Aug 31 16:02:48 UTC 2019

Brian Munroe wrote:

> With sailing prices too it seems

For sure. You know what they say about anything, especially knee pads, related to sailing - “If you have to ask, you can’t afford it!”

The Aerostich pads DV mentioned could be great, too (TF2 or TF3 - I think the difference is temp sensitivity). If you look up the material I mentioned, which I think is actually D3O not D30, the manufacturer lists other products besides chi chi yachting pads made of the stuff. As with the Aerostich products, you get what you pay for; if they hold up over time and protect knees well they may be worth it. Not my call. 

-  Jim Dougherty

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