[SML] Friend of (redacted)

Herrick Goldman Herrick at HGLightingDesign.com
Wed Mar 20 02:09:59 UTC 2019

Here are her questions.  Keep in mind her initial email stated specifically “there is not much information on technical theater and she was hopeful I could help”.  My OP was that apparently our friends who publish such information (Sam I’m looking at you) were doing a poor job of it if this young lady couldn’t find information.  

Her queries:

Thanks! I have done some research about the process of working with a show but I don't know much about how to get started so my biggest concerns and questions are related to that.
1. What are things to look for in a college that would prepare me for the field?
2. How do you get your name out there and start getting opportunities to work?
3. I've heard that for the past few years there has been a push for designers in every aspect of a show to have a graduate degree. Have you found that people who attended graduate school are more likely to be hired or do you think it doesn't really matter?
Any information at all is great so even if you don't answer all of them it still helps.

Feel free to continue with your frustration. 

Sent from my H-pad

Herrick Goldman

> On Mar 19, 2019, at 22:05, Herrick Goldman <herrick at hglightingdesign.com> wrote:
> Sam all respect but you’ve lost the thread.  The youngster is a daughter of a friend of a friend.  She asked questions which I answered but did not include.  Some of the questions were “where do I find out about technical theatre “ and “i’ve been told you must have an MFA to be a scene designer”.  I did indeed answer all of her queries but also suggested she google “scene design and technical theater” to help her find resources.  I also suggested she contact her local regional theater and ask to shadow the scenic designer.  I hope you are designing at mccarter soon. 
> Sent from my H-pad
> Herrick Goldman
> 917-797-3624
> www.HGlightingdesign.com
>> On Mar 19, 2019, at 21:45, SAMUEL JONES via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>> “didn’t dig enough.”  How much is ‘enough digging” for a high school student before they get to ask some questions.  We still don’t know what the questions were.  If the student came up to any of us on the floor of LDI or USITT and said they would like to ask us some questions about studying scenic design in college, are we going tell them they obviously haven’t dug hard enough for information on the internet? I hope not.  How is this different?
>> Sam
>> Samuel Jones
>> sjones at autoplotvw.com
>> ==============================================
>>> On Mar 19, 2019, at 3:34 PM, herrick goldman via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>>> Actually Sam she specifically said there wasn't a lot of information out there about technical theater.  So I'm sure see didn't dig enough.
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