[SML] Ratcheting Ultimate Focus Tool

Andy Leviss andy at soundguyandy.com
Sat Nov 16 03:02:24 UTC 2019

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 11:18 AM Bill Potter via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> Howdy Listers,
> A friend is looking to buy a Ratcheting Ultimate Focus Tool for his son (a
> freshman tech theatre major) for Christmas and he’s having trouble tracking
> down a vendor with them in stock.
> If anyone has an idea where he could track one down, I’d be happy to pass
> along the info.

Last I knew, Rob was still producing them, but wayyyy behind after a job
change and being overseas for a long stretch, and basically backordered
into the next decade.

Last fall, there was a small shop in Wilmington, NC that had some in stock,
but I couldn’t even tell you the name of it. But maybe that’ll be a clue,
and maybe he’s still got some in stock. 🤷🏻‍♂️I got mine there because I’d
mentioned wanting one in passing to one of the locals during the production
in for the King and I tour at the Wilson Center a year ago, and he was all,
“My buddy’s got a bunch in his shop, I’m seeing him at lunch if you want!”
 And I straight up gave a handful of cash to a guy who knew a guy. For a
wrench. 😂

Now, if anybody has a lead on the socket adapter for it…


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