[SML] Littlite o-ring size?

Stephen Rees Stephen.Rees at fredonia.edu
Mon Jan 13 22:34:11 UTC 2020

Take a whole unit and try them on for size.
Follow up to too hastily posted earlier note.  GRRRR>
Stephen E. Rees, Treasurer - Revitalize Dunkirk
Professor Emeritus of Theatre
CCE-CC Master Gardener Volunteer
716.366.0505 Home
716.680.1565 Mobile

On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 5:33 PM Stephen Rees <Stephen.Rees at fredonia.edu>

> Local hardware stores  (maybe even big box) generally have drawers of
> o-rings in various sizes.  I know that mine, affiliated with ProHardware
> chain had a large number in a couple of cabinets when I needed several
> small ones.  Never actually looked in the cabinet of o-rings at TrueValue,
> but they have such things.  A good local plumbing shop might also help out.
> Steve
> Stephen E. Rees, Treasurer - Revitalize Dunkirk
> Professor Emeritus of Theatre
> CCE-CC Master Gardener Volunteer
> 716.366.0505 Home
> 716.680.1565 Mobile
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 5:24 PM Jon Ares via Stagecraft <
> stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>> Howdy -  Does anyone know what the size of the o-rings used on the
>> Littlite's reflector hood is?  (Incandescent.)  I have a short pile of
>> LLs that have hoods that are o-ring-less, and aren't able to be put
>> back on the fixture.  They tend to dry up and become brittle and
>> break. (Understandable.)  Fixtures are like these:
>> https://www.littlite.com/products/category/halogen-console-lights
>> Littlite sells packs of the o-rings through a few dealers, but either
>> they're perpetually on backorder, or, as in the case of one large
>> well-known vendor, their website keeps giving an error to the effect
>> of "Due to your status, we are unable to sell these to you."  Or
>> something like that.....
>> But I'm pretty sure they'd be a size that could easily be found at a
>> hardware store... but I don't have any intact o-rings to size....
>> --
>> Jon Ares
>> www.arescreative.com
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