[SML] Tool nerd alert. C-Wrenches tested and compared.

Jon Lagerquist jon at lagerquist.com
Tue Dec 14 00:10:45 UTC 2021

Both of the Crescent brand wrenches that are close to hand have arrows 
indicating the direction to apply pressure. I have always figured this 
is because the force on the movable jaw is transmitted to the body as a 
compression load and there is a longer lever to where the jaw is 
rotating against the body.

As long as you snug the wrench so you do not round the nut I really do 
not care.

On 12/13/2021 10:59 AM, Duncan Mahoney via Stagecraft wrote:
> I just got around to watching the video today.  It’s certainly a 
> thorough comparison.
> However, he applies the wrench to the nuts backwards compared to the way 
> I was taught.  I was told to apply the wrench so the force was close to 
> the worm gear on the moveable jaw and away from the worm gear on the 
> fixed jaw when using high torque on a nut.  Was I taught wrong or has 
> that bit of “old person” tool knowledge been lost?
> Duncan Mahoney
Jon Lagerquist
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