[SML] Another EOS question: clear data from channels (recorded in subs)

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Wed Dec 15 02:15:44 UTC 2021

Found it....  Channel @ <enter> - clears it.  Been banging my head for 3
hours on that, trying to clean up subs that somehow got non-intensity data
into dark channels. (Channels may have been marked for a cue, or something.)

 - Jon

On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 5:48 PM Jon Ares <jonares at arescreative.com> wrote:

> Me again.  New frustration: beam/color data has been recorded into subs
> (Ion XE 20) that are on channels with no intensity.  (Ie, a sub with house
> lights has non-intensity data in other non-house lights channels, which
> keeps stomping on other onstage lighting looks.). How can I remove all the
> non-intensity data from those channels?  I've tried so many things, but
> still can't eradicate the errant data....  TIA!
>  - Jon
> --
> Jon Ares
> www.arescreative.com

Jon Ares
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