[SML] Failing CD80 rack

David Fox David.Fox at etcconnect.com
Fri Nov 19 00:03:49 UTC 2021


Sorry to hear about the issues. Some questions:

-CD80, CD80AE, CD80SV? What are we dealing with? Should be printed on the control electronics in the bottom
- Is it actively playing a panic look or just turning some random lights on?
- Are the problems only in rack 2?
- Any error indicators or codes while it is failing? When running normally?
- Are you resetting the rack ( like a reset on a CEM), or doing a full power cycle?
- Is there anything predictable or repeatable as to when it happens?

- Can you narrow down the issue by swapping cards between racks? Without readdressing the electronics and using whatever safe working practices your site has established swap control cards with a working rack. Does the problem follow the card? or stay consistent to the rack? If it follows the card readdress the two cards so that are addresses correctly for the rack they are physically located in and test again. Card, Address or rack? 

I'm a few decades out of LA, but you can find a list of dealers here https://www.strandlighting.com/global/support/where-to-buy#location=Los%20Angeles%2C%20CA%2C%20USA

Based on my knowledge of service type folks in the area I still know, I'd try kinetic, 4Wall, or PRG first. 

Good luck!

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