[SML] researching light fixtures

Ford Sellers fsellers at chauvetlighting.com
Thu Dec 7 21:20:54 UTC 2023

Hi Ross,
There are several offerings from a wide range of manufacturers out there.

I would look at ETC, and Chauvet Pro as my primary sources.
For 575w equivalents, you have a lot of options.  If you’re replacing 575w Source 4s, you might not need the Series 3 or the Reve E3 below.

Also look at what you’ll be pairing them with.  It will be helpful if there are Fresnels and Pars with the same color systems, from the same manufacturer.

As others have said, pay attention to TM-30 scores.  Keep in-mind that TM-30 is relevant only when you’re creating White Light (like 3200k, or 5600k).  I’d start with the color temperatures built into the fixture.
Rf is is fidelity (similar to, but more accurate than CRI), a score above 85 is pretty good, and above 90 is considered very good.  Rg is Gamut (how saturated the colors are), I like to have a score of between 100-110, so that I am slightly oversaturated.

From ETC:
Source 4 LED Series 3
Source V LED (I think they call it Source five)

From Chauvet:
Ovation Reve E3 https://www.chauvetprofessional.com/products/ovation-reve-e-3/ (Rf: 94.3, Rg: 103.6)
Ovation E2 FC https://www.chauvetprofessional.com/products/ovation-e-2fc/  (Rf: 89.2, Rg: 107.6)
Ovation E910 FC https://www.chauvetprofessional.com/products/ovation-e-910fc/ (Rf:89, Rg:109.1)

I hope this helps!
Ford Sellers
Sr Product Manager
CHAUVET Lighting

From: Stagecraft <stagecraft-bounces at theatrical.net> On Behalf Of Ross via Stagecraft
Sent: Saturday, December 2, 2023 2:42 PM
To: Stagecraft Mailing List <stagecraft at theatrical.net>
Cc: faker200 at netins.net
Subject: Re: [SML] researching light fixtures

Thank you guys for your responce.  Right after I sent the orginal email I went back to the ETC website & found the page I needed.  Right now I am just looking at the different options that are out their.  The bulk of the lighting package is Blizzard brand, so I would like to stay with them if possible.  Sometime it nice to look at other brands to see who has the best stuff.

I am doing this research as I am closing down one production tonight, & start ramping up 3 more in the spring, plus any one off that come my way.

Thank you all


On 2023-12-02 10:18, Jon Ares via Stagecraft wrote:
Oops - I should read closer. I thought you were looking for
alternatives to the Source Four LED Series 3 models. :) Bill points
you in the right direction for the Series 3 models (which are also

 - Jon

On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 8:16 AM Jon Ares <jonares at arescreative.com<mailto:jonares at arescreative.com>> wrote:

For ETC, take a look at the Source4WRD, an LED retrofit for the
incandescent Source Fours. They make white and RGB versions. (I have a
bunch of the white LED Source4WRD Series 2 models, and they are very
punchy and look very good on old Source Fours.)

Also, the ColorSource V is another ETC alternative for Source
Four-style profiles. Uses the same lenses, too.

 - Jon

On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 7:58 AM Ross via Stagecraft
<stagecraft at theatrical.net<mailto:stagecraft at theatrical.net>> wrote:

Hello all,

In one of the theatre I work, the owners are looking at trying to get some grants for tech upgrades.  They have some older Source 4s that I would like to find the LED version.  Looking at the ETC website, I don't see a LED version of a Source 4.  Is it under a different name, or do I need to look at other options?

For all I know, I am using the wrong search terms.

Thank you all for putting up with me


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Jon Ares

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