[SML] floor pockets or drop boxes

Villem Teder vteder at interlog.com
Sun Jul 30 02:33:54 UTC 2023

If you have the space and the luxury go for both drops and troughs
on both sides, as well as down stage.

At the Four Seasons Centre in Toronto, we have troughs but depending
on the set designs and decking requirements, often we have to drop 
crcuits from the jumps. Sometimes we can run socas along the edge of 
the deck to avoid tripping problems.

While the troighs have 2 soca outlets each, it is easy to add aditional 
cables from both US and DS. On the panels, the first soca has the
circuits wired to individual connectors.

The DS trough can also hold footlights, as well as cabling. 

In another theatre in town, they have the floor pocket circuits also
available at a patch panel for when the pockets down work.

Villem Teder


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