[SML] Dimmable medium screw base LED lamps

Bill Conner billconnerastc at gmail.com
Fri May 5 14:36:57 UTC 2023

Isn't that like a 40+ watt incandescent equivalent?

On Fri, May 5, 2023, 10:31 AM Ford Sellers via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> Hi David,
> Are there options beyond 4.4-Watts?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Fox <David.Fox at etcconnect.com>
> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2023 9:25 AM
> To: stagecraft at theatrical.net; Ford Sellers <fsellers at chauvetlighting.com>
> Subject: Dimmable medium screw base LED lamps
> <SNIP>Is there a line of medium screw base replacement lamps that have
> "theatrical grade" dimming?
> I know we recently had the discussion of Par 64/56 replacements, but I'm
> looking for screw-in replacements.
> I have a friend who has chandeliers which they love, but want to convert
> the lamps over to LED... Dimming performance is critical.
> I would usually try to steer them to just replacing the fixtures with LED
> house lights, but that is not an option here.
> <SNIP>
> All;
> I try not to do this often, but in this case it I feel it is 100%
> appropriate.
> We make a product called ArcLamp that is specifically designed for this
> application.
> It uses the existing power source and is available in multiple base types
> and globe forms.
> It I designed to eliminate any rewiring needs inside your chandelier or
> infrastructure. You replace your current incandescent lamps with ArcLamps
> and then somewhere in line between the power source and lamp, install the
> remote Arclamp driver. These are wall or rack mount.  We make several sizes
> depending on how many individual circuits and lamps you need to control.
> The Driver is controlled via either DMX or ArcMesh (A wireless transmitter
> designed for all our ArcSystem drivers and lamps).
> When added to an existing system using forward or reverse phased SCR-based
> dimming (I.E. most conventional dimming systems) best practice is to set
> those dimmers to either switched on at 1% or leave them on and let the
> driver control intensity.
> Within the LED itself in addition to white emitters, we have added red to
> mimic the red-shift you see in an incandescent as it fades.
> We have seen this work with great success in multiple venues looking to
> replace incandescent There are videos and more information on our website
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.etcconnect.com/arclamp/__;!!J_x18tFw!NbUIpJhwD1P0MVNFD7OB7UQyz33Y3GNgs4S0rQ5DMGgsnOmo8k-9aL3NNNqDM_gwrVrz0iTGrGEmF5Mlk58J2V9abO3T$
> Hope this helps
> David Fox│He/Him/His│ETC- Training and Documentation Specialist│ Tel
> (608)824-5056
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