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<p>Hi All,<br /></p>
<p>Hoping someone may be able to help me out with a problem... I have an Arduino DMX Master Shield made by Tinkerkit, and I'm trying to find Arduino script that will allow it to take in DMX and convert it to data for the Arduino, as opposed to putting out DMX generated BY the arduino. Essentially, I'm trying to control Arduino function via DMX input through this shield. My students and I have scoured the internet looking for sample script, and have found a lot of examples where DMX is output by the shield, but none where it's being inputted through the shield.<br /></p>
<p>I'm hoping someone on the list might be able to offer some script that would allow us to control the arduino via DMX.<br /></p>
<p>Thanks!<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>Chad<br /></p>