<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">> We also need exactly what you are looking for and would like to follow your progress.</div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div>As of now I've whipped up something on AirTable. It's only a few tables and relations but it is a lot faster than Excel and I can start to get useful information back out. </div><div><br></div><div>><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-size:13.3333px">I Auditor might work...</span></div><div><br></div><div>Based on my first pass this lacks the inventory side of the equation. It fills in a gap on inspections that I hadn't figured out how to manage in AirTable. Maybe I'll link the two together...</div><div><br></div><div>---</div><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature">Ryan Mutton<br>716.946.5801</div></div>