[SML] Thank you Noah!

Charlie Richmond charlie.rsd at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 15:32:24 UTC 2014

On 8 September 2014 08:29, Joe Golden via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> This is great, but half the emails I have seen I don't know who they are
> from now that the list strips the senders name from the "From" field.
> Please remember to add your full name (too many twins on here) at the
> bottom of your response, even if your Sig gets added to the bottom after
> the quoted mssg.

The new server does actually put the original sender's addy as well as the
list's into the reply-to field so at least it is available.  Also, in gmail
at least, if you click Reply to All your message gets sent to both the list
and the original sender so that is still somewhat irregular behaviour.

BBQ season is still on here for a couple of weeks.

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