[SML] Infrared camera

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Thu Sep 18 04:33:29 UTC 2014

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 9:23 PM, Paul Schreiner via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> * I don't remember who suggested it, but I'm forever beholden to
> whomever suggested a 6" Fresnel with 2 cuts of R27 and 2 cuts of
> whatever color is Primary Green in the gel frame.  As long as the
> throw distance is below 40', park that at about 10% and you'll get
> awesome IR feed.

Hunh.  I don't remember reading that before, but that's definitely worth
filing away for "next time." I use a 'security' cam with IR in my black
box, when the "booth" is located outside the black box. The IR emitters on
the cam work ok to about 20 feet, but can't quite make it to the extremes
of the set/playing area.  (Though Corbin Wescott, fellow lister, has the
most demonic, IR-reactive eyes I've ever seen on a humanoid, and can glow
at 50 feet away.)

Jon Ares
Follow my twits @jon_ares
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