[SML] By the Waters of Babylon

Richard John Archer rja10 at cornell.edu
Fri Sep 19 21:27:26 UTC 2014

I can't help you with the name of that specific designer, but the Saint Michael's Playhouse production of Talley's Folly in 2009 did something sorta like that.  Set designer was James Wolk.

Edging in from the shadows . . .

Does anyone on the list know who designed or dressed the weed-ridden set for either the Geffen Playhouse (2009) or Oregon Shakespeare Festival production (2005) of Robert Schenkkan’s By The Waters of Babylon (and how to contact)? Love to ask a question or two of the designer, for an upcoming production at Tennessee Women’s Theater Project. This link is to a photo of the OSF set, I believe: http://www.robertschenkkan.com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/photos/In%20the%20Garden.jpg?itok=U_cT_Xg-

Chris Clarke

Michael Ganio  designer    ….now  at U cal Irvine…


DickA, TD
Cornell U
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