[SML] smart phones and wind

Lou Poppler loupoppler at cableone.net
Sun Apr 12 17:58:24 UTC 2015

On 4/12/15, Dave Tosti-Lane via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> [...]
> That, and they probably knew I kept copies of everything and when they
> would claim they never heard a particular concern, I would send them their
> email responses to the last 12 times I raised it to them over the previous
> 10 years.

When I used to work as a projection tech for a nationwide cinema
chain, a long time ago, I would save copies of every email from the
many layers of my management.  It was very handy, when I wanted to do
something my way, to pull out a memo requiring that it MUST be done
that way, or when I wanted to avoid doing something the stupid way, to
pull out a memo forbidding doing it that way.  Even if I changed my
mind about what was "my way" and "the stupid way", I eventually had
emails requiring and forbidding every possibility.  Very handy.

[It also feels very very good to say "used to ... a long time ago"  above...]

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