[SML] photo rights

Richard Niederberg ladesigners at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 22:28:29 UTC 2015

As some one who has spent years on the bench of the LA Superior Court, and
seen a lot of Celebrity v. Paparazzi cases trot by, I can say the the
Paparazzi almost always win when a celebrity tries to get a stay-away
order. Essentially, if you are 'Lawfully at the looking place' (legal
jargon), you can shoot whatever you want. People, NOT cars, possess  a
right to publicity. Someone must prove financial loss to get a judgement
against you. Selling a copy of your picture could be troublesome, but you
could still copyright it - "Anybody can copy an original; nobody can copy
the copy". In other words, you could take the picture, but perhaps not sell
it or post it on the Internet. Taking a picture out the window of your car
on a public street is usually OK, unless the Secret Service or other Agency
thinks that you are violating National Security. People get 'roughed up'
for doing that and can be held pending their figuring out what you were up
/s/ Richard

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 2:59 PM, Chip Wood via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

>  Agreed and if I had the money a Tesla would be in my garage.  But we
> were talking about photos on the street and unless you have an x-ray camera
> you can only get the exteriors.
> Chip 1
> On 4/20/2015 2:41 PM, Charlie Richmond wrote:
>  Yes, they may look similar but I'm moving to Leafs and Teslas, which are
> quite different under the hood and that's more than toothpaste....
>  C-)
> On 20 April 2015 at 13:49, Chip Wood via Stagecraft <
> stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>>  Big deal.  The '16's will look just like the '15's and the '14's and
>> the '13's, etc.  Introducing the new cars has about as much impact as
>> introducing a new flavor toothpaste.
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/s/ Richard
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