[SML] Question about Safe Working Loads

Bill Conner billconnerastc at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 22:16:41 UTC 2015


For non-performer rigging, I have used 8:1 for over 30 years as a
consultant.  Clancy and SECOA seem to be 8:1 .  I won't swear to it
but believe Texas Scenic, H&H, and Stagecraft.  Clancy says
Recommended Working Load.  E1.4 - which uses the term Design Factor -
varies based on component.  WIre rope is 8:1; fibre rope 10:1, a
number of hardware components 5:1 or the manufacturer's WWL.  It
really depends on what this is and what kind of wear in normal use, as
well as other factors.  If you want to publish a WWL for it, depends
on your risk tolerance and liability as well.

Bill Conner Fellow of the ASTC

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