[SML] Piano Storage

Joe Wilson faderjockey at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 14:30:04 UTC 2015

Our piano cage is a plywood box (stud wall faced with ply) with a flat
joist roof overlaid with ply, gate hinge doors and a padlock.  That
might be too big for your needs, though.  Ours is build like a small
shed, and sits in the wings offstage with enough space inside for our
choral director to practice, and a window air-conditioner on the
opposite side from the door for humidity control.

Being Florida, we aren't terribly worried about too little humidty,
only too much.  We have Dampp Chasers installed in all our classroom
and rehearsal pianos, but they apparently now make an installed
humidity control system for pianos that includes both a humidifier and
dehumidifier, for those of you who live in more variable climates.


Joe Wilson, ATD/Sound
Indian River State College

Adding one more "me too" to the
collective internet consciousness.

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