[SML] Jigsaw recommendations... methods as well....

Dave Vick dave.vick at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 02:08:27 UTC 2015

On Saturday, August 29, 2015, Jon Ares via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:


> Some time ago, a really great Makita was donated to me from a TV/film
> shop, and it's really my favorite - it's somewhat compact, smooth,
> generally awesome, except it uses a u-shank style blade, but a u-shank with
> a hole in it, for an index pin for the blade to secure to.  Love that, but
> can't find blades for it. (Regular u-shank blades won't stay in it.)

McMaster or Helmhold should have those blades... Or Fastenal?

Got a model number for that saw? My tool-junkie curiosity is piqued...

Dave Vick
Sent from my iEuphamism
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