[SML] Mac-based Lighting Control software: thoughts?

Charlie Richmond charlie.rsd at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 15:24:44 UTC 2015

On 11 February 2015 at 07:19, Jon Ares via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> <awesome insight, banter and hints snipped>

> I agree with Herrick - "MagiQ" and names like
> that annoy me, for the same reasons.  :)  "Don't you worry your pretty
> little head - all the magic happens inside the box. No need to know
> how it works, just know that it does.  Or might.  Or maybe not.  (And
> if it doesn't, it'll reboot fast!)"

The software equivalent of letting out the magic smoke...

* Charlie Richmond - http://www.RichmondSoundDesign.com
* Viber: +16047159441  Skype: charlierichmond
* LinkedIn & Twitter: charlierichmond * Facebook: charlie.richmond
* facebook.com/pages/Richmond-Sound-Design-Ltd/130195960832
* google.com/+CharlieRichmond google.com/+Richmondsounddesign
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