[SML] Projector dowser redux

Stephen Litterst litterst.stagecraft at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 17:48:57 UTC 2015

On 2/23/15 12:25 PM, Keith Arsenault via Stagecraft wrote:
> i have a 5.5k lumen SANYO . . . one of the features that made this
> particular projector my choice was the remote shutter built into the
> unit
> the remote works both WIRED and WIRELESS ( wired via a 3.5 mm
> connector )
> those two features . . the built in shutter AND the ability to use
> the remote WIRED ( the booth and the projector are not in a good
> wireless line ) have been invaluable

What's the lag time on the shutter?  One of the things that drives me 
nuts with my Epson Z8450 is the three-second lag between hitting the 
shutter button and it actually opening.  Three seconds of wondering "Did 
it receive the command?  Will it turn on? "

Steve L.

Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
litterst at udel.edu           Mitchell Hall
302/831-0601                University of Delaware

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