[SML] Prop Weapon Question - Legality

Stuart Wheaton sdwheaton at fuse.net
Thu Jan 8 02:53:46 UTC 2015

On 1/7/2015 7:56 PM, Jeremiah Minh Grünblatt via Stagecraft wrote:
> I have been alerted that a prop pistol I purchased legally in 1998 and
> have had in my kit ever since, is now very illegal to own or transport.
> Does anyone have any knowledge of the whereabouts of state or federal
> regulations on this issue? If the laws have indeed changed (I’m told
> there was a big change around 2011) have people purged their inventory?
> Is there any grandfather clause?
> This is a blank-firing model with sealed barrel (top-venting), and an
> exotic caliber that cannot (or could not when purchased) be loaded with
> live rounds.
> Please advise.
> Thank you.
> J. Minh
> PS – Anyone in the Houston area want a really good deal on a solid prop
> pistol?

There are a lot of people who think they know more about gun laws than 
they really do.  In what way is it supposed to be illegal?  Give  a call 
to the folks who sold it to you and ask them, they will know if it is 
off limits.  or see if anyone still sells it.  Can you still find 
blanks?   Ask somebody who is selling them.  If it were mine, I'd keep 
it in a locked case and only use it for stage purposes, do not lose 
track of it, you are probably fine for now.

Stuart Wheaton

Not an expert in firearms law, but I am the president of the oldest 
continuously operating pistol shooting club west of the Allegheny mountains.

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