[SML] Prop Weapon Question - Legality

Stuart Wheaton sdwheaton at fuse.net
Thu Jan 8 03:05:36 UTC 2015

On 1/7/2015 7:56 PM, Jeremiah Minh Grünblatt via Stagecraft wrote:
> I have been alerted that a prop pistol I purchased legally in 1998 and
> have had in my kit ever since, is now very illegal to own or transport.
> Does anyone have any knowledge of the whereabouts of state or federal
> regulations on this issue? If the laws have indeed changed (I’m told
> there was a big change around 2011) have people purged their inventory?
> Is there any grandfather clause?
> This is a blank-firing model with sealed barrel (top-venting), and an
> exotic caliber that cannot (or could not when purchased) be loaded with
> live rounds.
> Please advise.
> Thank you.
> J. Minh
> PS – Anyone in the Houston area want a really good deal on a solid prop
> pistol?

I did a little digging, if you live in the NYC area, you do need a 
special license for some theatrical weapons, the following link might be 



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