[SML] FCC rules on wifi jamming.

billn at peak.org billn at peak.org
Thu Jan 29 09:44:27 UTC 2015

>>    Building your structure in such a way as to be a faraday cage is not, I
>> think, illegal under FCC rules.  But unless you are building a bunker, a
>> theater, or other windowless structure, making it RF proof is actually
>> pretty difficult, especially against higher frequencies that will slip in
>> through cracks and seams.

The idea would not be to make it RF tight, just greatly reduce the signal
levels. As many people have noticed, even being in a room with stucco walls
greatly reduces cell phone signal levels.

But to do it properly would probably require at least painting all the walls
with an expensive paint. And to do it properly, a bi-directional amplifier for
emergency services should be installed - although a couple of coupled passive
antennas might pass a high enough signal level.


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