[SML] Confederate flag, sorry.

Stephen Litterst litterst.stagecraft at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 17:44:07 UTC 2015

On 7/2/15 1:29 PM, SAMUEL JONES via Stagecraft wrote:
   No state’s rights chest beating can change
> that.  That battle flag didn’t come back to any prominence until the
> civil rights movement of the 1960s, a racist reaction to people fighting
> the horrors of Jim Crow.  There is no defence for the confederate battle
> flag except racist white supremacist dogma.  Free speech allows the flag
> to be displayed, only insanity allows it to represent public policy.  As
> Jerry said, state’s rights does not have a flag.

When you read the various confederate constitutions, slavery (and white 
supremacy) is first and foremost among their reasons for secession.

The historical argument that it was about States' Rights didn't surface 
until the 1960s, when southern states were whinging about civil rights 
and desegregation.  Suddenly the confederacy rose again, celebrating 
their newly discovered "heritage" of defending States' Rights.

The Washington Post has a good article about it here --

Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
litterst at udel.edu           Mitchell Hall
302/831-0601                University of Delaware

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