[SML] Dimming 24v load

Stuart Wheaton sdwheaton at fuse.net
Wed Jun 17 05:49:47 UTC 2015

On 6/16/2015 6:23 PM, e-mail frank.wood95 via Stagecraft wrote:
> Dimming low voltage loads can be tricky. The obvious method, of
> interposing a transformer between the dimmed mains supply and the load
> is fraught with dangers. Thyristor dimmers do not take kindly to
> inductive loads, and electronic transformers may not take kindly to
> the outputs of thyristor dimmers. Some will, ant they are probably the
> best answer. I cannot advise you on brands, but I have a whole heap of
> 24V birdies which run happily through electronic transformers from
> thyristor dimmers.

We have had good luck with using 24 volt Buck/Boost transformers like 
these, http://www.grainger.com/product/SQUARE-D-Buck-Boost-Trans-1H271.  
On Sensor dimmers with loads of 12 and 24 volt incandescent lamps.   We 
did once have a set of these burn up on Leprecon dimmers, I suspect 
there was a filament warming setting, leaking a very low current at all 
times, and they didn't like it one bit, but we have had years of 
flawless installed operation with these on ETC dimming.


> On 16 June 2015 at 22:35, Lyric Opera Kansas City via Stagecraft
> <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I have a question.  I am looking at the following product:
>> http://www.amazon.com/The-Light-Garden-WLWB96-Incandescent/dp/B00263FQM6/ref=pd_sim_sbs_201_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=01TT18GC5PJ87Q57FMGT
>> It states that each light is a 24v incandescent light.  When I have
>> used low voltage products in the past such as LED tape, I was able to
>> use a DMX Decoder and LED power supply to make the tape dim and color
>> mix if it was RGB.  Could I use a DM Decoder and a 24v power supply to
>> make these guys dim?  Thoughts?  Advice?
>> Thanks,
>> Nate
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