[SML] Focus work cart

Dave Vick dave.vick at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 16:01:31 UTC 2015

On Thursday, June 18, 2015, Sean McCarthy via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

bump.....really, this group didn't have any comments to make??

First I've seen of it...

At the Wharton, we have a stool-height "table" on wheels, more of a box
with one open side, really... With a 36" x 42" top w/clear plexi cover,
suitable for putting a lighting plot under.

On shelves in the "box" are a guillotine paper cutter repurposed for gel
cutting, a box of patterns & holders for our S4 inventory, and a drawer
full of LX tools - c-wrenches, GAMChecks, a little Fluke meter, &c...

It's on wheels so it can roll to either stage, wherever it's needed.
3'x3.5' because it doesn't need to go through standard doors, and frankly
the extra real estate solves more hassles than it creates.

Dave Vick
Sent from my iEuphamism
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