[SML] Since we've been talking about cell networks ...

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Wed Jun 24 06:31:31 UTC 2015

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 10:28 PM, Pat Kight via Stagecraft
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> ... does anyone have anything good, bad or indifferent to say about AT&T?

I'm not a fan of any of the big meanies in telecommunications out
there, but I've not had troubles with AT&T.  I originally went with
them many-a-year ago because they were the only ones that had coverage
in the Deep South, where I was headed off to do some shows.  I've kept
them through my Motorola Razr, up through several iPhones.  Because of
that, I've been grandfathered into some cheap rate plans. I did have
to add data when I moved into Smartphone Territory, but it's still
pretty minimal.  My data plan is a whopping 200 megs, because I too
don't watch movies on my phone. (Particularly over data... ouch.)

I am not sure I've ever needed tech support from them, so I can't
comment on that. It does gall me that I have to cough up $40 when I
"upgrade" my phone every 2.15 years.... hell, they're already getting
more money from me, why "tax" me for giving them more money??  Oh
right - cuz they can.

Watch out for data use in the car, though... I can imagine that can
get pretty hefty pretty fast.... I end up using Maps and Waze
sparingly, because I've got "Range Anxiety" with my tiny 200 meg data

Jon Ares

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