[SML] Lasers

Dave Vick dave.vick at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 03:48:45 UTC 2015

On Monday, March 30, 2015, Richard John Archer via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> What are people now using to layout event spaces.  Something self
> leveling, able to put a dot on the floor and a dot above on the ceiling (to
> hang motors etc)  shooting other  lines out at right angles from the
> vertical would be good too.

 Pacific Laser Systems.

I use a five-way PLS-5 as my personal laser plumb on the Dirty Tour, to lay
out the show's base & center lines, referenced off the venue CL and a
batten. It usually also gets put to work spotting hoist points. On the Pony
Show, we used a pair of PLS-3 lasers to replace our worn-out CST-Berger
LaserMark 58-MP3 lasers, which do away with two of the three horizontal
beams the -5 has.

I've been a satisfied PLS user for going on twenty years. The only
hesitation I have in recommending them is that PLS doesn't repair their
least-costly lines any more; if the diode or prism or whatever goes
tango-uniform during the "warranty" period, instead of fixing the PLS, they
just replace it with another one. Somehow that just rubs me wrong; as if
the line is too cheap to bother fixing. YMMV, of course.

I do like the CST-Berger 58-MP3. But I like my PLS-5 a whole lot more.

Dave Vick
Automation Carpenter / Rigger,
"Dirty Dancing" Tour 2014-15
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