[SML] research

e-mail frank.wood95 frank.wood95 at ntlworld.com
Sun May 3 18:25:06 UTC 2015

I am sure that most theatres carry substantial stocks of props, IF
they can find storage space for them. But is extremely difficult to
know what you have, and sometimes to know where they are. Take our
community theatre as an example. Founded in 1922, we opened a
purpose-built theatre in 1964. Until then, we relied on borrowing
props from our members or having members store them for us. This was
sometimes unsatisfactory; I have lost two 8" cigarette holders, a
monocle and an evening cape myself. Our theatre is in the grounds of
an old house, whose cellars provide storage for the smaller props, the
larger items being stashed around the theatre wherever room can be
found for them. This has led to a perpetual war between the props
mistresses and the safety officers, who object to props being stored
in the emergency exit ways. We have since built two storage areas for
bulky furniture.

It is bulk that defeats most theatres. The Royal Opera House, for
instance, has rented warehouses out in Essex where rents are cheaper,
in spite of the trucking costs.

I doubt that the market is easy to overload. Arms are rather a
specialist trade, but few theatre companies can afford the space for
armchairs, sofas, beds, cupboards, wardrobes, and so on. This should
provide a reasonably reliable market.

Insurance is a point to bear in mind. Some years ago, we hosted a
festival, and arranged the props the visiting companies needed. These
included a dining table and six chairs. These were duly delivered, and
stacked in the car park until they could be loaded in. During the
lunch break, they vanished! This must have been premeditated; you
can't slip them in your pocket and stroll away.

Just a few thoughts.

On 3 May 2015 at 18:32, Ross via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> Hello all!
> A short while ago I asked a question about prop rental business on Facebook.
> I am going to expand on it here for those of you on FB.
> I have been thinking for years about open a prop rental business.  Being
> located in Iowa, it might be hard going, but I need to do some research
> before I drop this pipe dream.
> My first question, do you all use prop rental places much?
> How far do you go for rentals?
> What type of stuff do you look for when renting?  (Hard to find, seldom
> used, custom made items)
> In your opinion, is their room for more, or has the market been over loaded
> with rental places?
> Thank you for your time.  Please respond to me off list if you would.  I am
> sure as I start fleshing out this idea, I will have more questions.
> Clay Ross
> Pro Dreamer
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Frank Wood

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