[SML] PayPal

Joe Wilson faderjockey at gmail.com
Wed May 6 16:24:59 UTC 2015

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 12:49 AM, Mt. Angel Performing Arts Center via
Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> As far as I know they do not get any
> 'content' for republication or other use.

Paypal provides a hosted "shopping cart" / storefront for small
businesses and the like.  Adding an item to your storefront requires
submitting a photo of your product, and a description of the product.

In order to provide their service, they have to keep a copy of the
photo and description on their servers. (Store.)  In order to serve
your storefront up to another user they have to send your content to
them.  (Reproduce / Retransmit.)  In order to scale your images so
that they look appropriate on multiple screens they have to resize
them.  (Modify.)

You grant those rights to PayPal in perpetuity so that they don't have
to go back through all of their backups and archives, as well as
who-knows-what-else, in order to remove the content once you delete it
from their servers.

IANAL either, but that seems like a logical use-case to me.


Adding one more "me too" to the
collective internet consciousness.

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