[SML] What are people up to?

Adam Norcott adamnorcott at gmail.com
Mon May 25 13:27:51 UTC 2015

I am wrapping up my 8th season as theatre manager and technical director of a small 300 seat theatre. Dance recital rentals galore. 

I've also started my new job as event operations manager for a prominent  events company and will be returning to working for my local. I unfortunately will be at the bottom of our D list as I've been away 8 years but it should be fun to work my way back up. 

Hope to see some of those traveling through Boston. It has been a nice break to raise my two babies but now they are eager to be "roadies". My 8 year old has taken to singing " the load out - stay" everywhere he goes. 

Adam Norcott

Sent using a tiny keyboard. 

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