[SML] Cart Logistics Question

Bill Conner billconnerastc at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 18:17:55 UTC 2015

I'm not sure if your primary concern is about from truck/trailer to
the stage or during scene changes on stage.  With rare exception, for
on stage scene changes, I agree with the recommendation for the
zero-throw AKA triple swivel, 3-ways (?!), zero offset triple caster,
et al.  For trailer to stage, I wonder if casters with larger diameter
tires than typically found on a zero-throw wouldn't make that part of
the journey with door saddles and changing surfaces easier. And I
seriously look at two fixed and two swivel on a cart - a lot easier to
steer usually.

If you get to any projects I worked on hopefully loading won't be
hard.  I have a firm rule that it be possible to roll a car onto stage
and carry a 21' piece of pipe without going vertical onto stage.
Architects that bury stages in the middle of a big school should be
severely disciplined.

Bill Conner Fellow of the ASTC

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