[SML] Rain and lots of it

Richard Niederberg ladesigners at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 09:25:27 UTC 2015

It seems like a true Risk Assessment is required for moisture in carpets,
drapes, seat cushions, seat backs, and every other porous element in the
theater; also look for condensation on lenses and lamps.
/s/ Richard

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 9:35 PM, Ben Thoron SML via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> An upcoming project is said to "require" rain all night onstage.  I
> put it in quotes because, there's obviously no real harm in just
> pretending its raining.  But, the current thinking is that rain is an
> essential part of the story telling.
> So- what I think happens when in rains inside a theatre for 2-3 hours
> a night, for seven weeks is that we we run the risk of becoming a 650
> seat terrarium...
> Has any body had experience on a project where it rained, really
> rained for the whole show?
> Could you hear the actors, did the audience have to get up and pee,
> did concessions run out of hot cocoa?  Was there mold EVERYWHERE?
> I've done shows with some rain, 5 minutes or so, dumped 100s  of
> gallons of water across the stage, made a pond (with a boat), and had
> a swimming pool on stage.  Clearly, I'm not afraid of water, per
> se...just getting wet and not being able to dry out.
> I'd appreciate the wisdom of the list.
> Thanks
> Ben
> Ben Thoron | technical director | the old globe | 619-235-2260| 619-
> 846-9529 Cell | 619-231-1037-fax | bthoron at theoldglobe.org
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/s/ Richard
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