[SML] Use of weapons in production

Jerry Durand jdurand at interstellar.com
Tue Oct 27 20:16:30 UTC 2015

Almost forgot:

Wranger and actor jointly check gun and ammo to make sure all is ok when
it's issued to the actor and again on return (no missing ammo, etc.).

On 10/27/2015 01:12 PM, Jerry Durand via Stagecraft wrote:
> No live ammo anywhere.
> If possible, guns should be specially plugged so they can't use live ammo.
> Plastic fake guns are best.
> Guns are never out of sight of wrangler.  Locked up when not in use.
> Never actually aim at someone, always aim to the side (and not and the
> director standing in the wings).
> Full loads are LOUD.  Need to size the load to the space.
> On 10/27/2015 01:03 PM, nathan best via Stagecraft wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I have never worked on a production or had a production in my space
>> that used firearms or weapons of any kind really. I recently found
>> out that a production next year will be using weapons of some sort
>> (not confirmed what exactly yet) but I have some super concerns (as I
>> should). Where do I even begin. I know that someone needs to be put
>> personally in charge of the weapons etc, but what kind of training
>> should this person have? Are there things I should look for with
>> these weapons, especially firearms? I know that I should ideally have
>> someone who does this for a living dealing with the weapons, but I
>> also want to be knowledgeable enough to head of problems before they
>> begin, especially when I have the discussion with Campus Safety about
>> the presence of weapons on campus and their use. Any help would be
>> most appreciated.
>> Thank you
>> Nathan B.
> -- 
> Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.  www.interstellar.com
> tel: +1 408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886
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Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.  www.interstellar.com
tel: +1 408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886

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