[SML] Plasa/ESTA breakup

Bill Conner billconnerastc at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 16:47:26 UTC 2016

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Charlie Richmond via Stagecraft
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> Indeed.  Despite that I think merging the two would be beneficial (to USITT
> especially), the assumption seems to be that ESTA is constituted by the
> business community whereas USITT, in my experience, has never been
> particularly business oriented.
> C-)

I disagree.  Different organizations serve different constituencies.
I think the influence of business interests would win out over the
predominantly not for profit.  More choices is a good thing.  Of
course I was in a small minority who voted against the ESTA PLASA
merger 5+ years ago.  Just as it's unfortunate there is practically no
competition in the theatre  lighting system segment of the market, it
would be unfortunate to have fewer competing interests in the
professional associations.  When there is competition, people compete
by improving and evolving.

Bill Conner Fellow of the ASTC

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