[SML] Copyright Considerations

Mt. Angel Performing Arts Center admin at mtangelperformingarts.com
Sun Aug 28 04:25:44 UTC 2016

Hi all -

This is a subject that passed through here a while ago and I didn't pay 
attention because it wasn't something I needed.

Maybe that's changing - so here's the question(s)

We have recorded a couple of musical performances with the original 
artists - so no copyright/permission issues.

Now we may be moving toward live streaming and/or video on demand of 
performances that 'cover' other artists. Hasn't happened yet but I'd 
like to know in advance what we need to do (and who we need to pay) to 
satisfy copyright requirements.

I've done a bit of a web search but gotten confused over performance 
rights, mechanical rights, reproduction rights and whatever. My eyes are 
glazing over as I type this -

Can anyone recommend a good resource (book, magazine article, web site, 
etc.) to help clear the fog of confusion?

Thanks in advance


Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of 
a bagpipe.

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