[SML] Oakland warehouse fire

Bruce Purdy bpurdy at rochester.rr.com
Sun Dec 4 19:05:24 UTC 2016

> As the article mentioned, the place was a run down warehouse space that was being sublet in some fashion to a whole bunch of artist types.   Who are notorious for their failure to follow building codes, and viewing any attempt to make them follow the codes as oppression of their artistic voice.

	I’m of two minds on this one. Obviously, I’m pro safety, and this one had a lot of problems in that regard - but I’m also concerned about excessive regulation.

	I recall in the mid 70’s attending a theatrical production in a “Found space” in a dilapidated warehouse in Sand Francisco. They put together a set in the middle of this huge warehouse and set up maybe a hundred folding chairs in theatre style seating. The show was good, and I was impressed with the low budget “make do” nature of the event.

	Whilst safety is paramount, I hate to see regulations that prevent such seat of the pants creativity.

Bruce Purdy
Central New York Magic Theatre Co.

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